- то там, то сям
- • ТО ТУТ, ТО ТАМ; ТО ТАМ, ТО ТУТ <СЯМ> all coll[AdvP; these forms only; adv; fixed WO]=====⇒ (some action occurs or similar actions occur, some objects are located etc) in different places, usu. in an alternating fashion (may refer to the way s.o. perceives some objects, people etc as he moves along, as his gaze moves over some area etc):- now here, now there;- now here and now there;- first here, then there;- first in one place and then in another (the other);- here and there.♦ [Чернышевский] передвигался, как лист, гонимый ветром, нервной, пошатывающейся походкой, и то тут, то там слышался его визгливый голосок (Набоков 1). Не [Chernyshevski] moved about like a leaf blown by the wind, with a nervous stumbling gait, and his shrill voice could be heard now here and now there (1a).♦ Столы были сдвинуты со своих, геометрией подсказанных, правильных мест и стояли то там, то сям, вкривь и вкось... (Битов 2). The tables had been moved from their geometrically suggested correct places to stand here and there, every which way (2a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.